J Paul Copper Creations

Handcrafted Copper Jewelry

Artist J Paul works mainly with copper. My workshop is located in Tucson, Arizona in the heart of copper country. Each pair of copper earrings is unique and a one of a kind. Although copper jewelry is the majority of my work I also make roses, and take special orders. I have items in stock or I can create a piece to your specifications. Whether you are looking for something for yourself or a gift for someone special these one of a kind pieces will last forever. 

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5 out of 5 stars All of the earrings that we received were one of a kind copper pieces. They are high quality and handmade with attention to detail. The lighter ones were also perfect for my daughter. 💕
J Paul Copper Creations


I enjoy working with my hands. I am either in the workshop or in the kitchen. The copper creations are much like cooking for me, it is something personal and something you created and you want people to enjoy what you have made. I can make a mean pie and my BBQ isn’t bad either.

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